Ecuador Forums

Communities in Ecuador => Fruit Haven Ecovillage => Topic started by: Jason on Jan 16, 2025, 03:21 AM

Title: Moving ahead
Post by: Jason on Jan 16, 2025, 03:21 AM
I like the idea to use the forum instead of emails and to redesign rename the project etc.
Title: Re: Moving ahead
Post by: boris on Jan 18, 2025, 12:06 AM
Yes me too on both - rename/rebrand as well as this forum, however as we see so far it might be harder for some people to use since it's more oldschool, etc and most have telegram so maybe using that in combination with emails and this forum if needed....

so what kind of rebrand would work? maybe just a breakup of fh# properties but no need for a new website just have different visions?

that would be a good start i guess...
Title: Re: Moving ahead
Post by: Jason on Feb 05, 2025, 11:21 AM
My rough math says that 25% of the owners are not strict vegan anymore. I think our vision and bylaws should represent this and or in some way we break up the community in smaller groups where each person can more so feel they fit in and agree with the direction.